Professional Training
Progress With Practice for Professionals is new in 2014, Progress With Practice brings its innovative methods to dental, medical and personal care professionals. The three-tiered curricula, offered as discrete or sequential training, enable professionals to integrate the Practice Without Pressure approach that best meets their needs and client needs.
Oral Health in The Home™ Training
Oral health starts in the home. But for people with disabilities, and the families or caregivers who support them, it can be a challenge. Daily dental care can suffer and cause more health problems down the road. Progress With Practice can help through its Oral Health in the Home™ training program. Since 2011, more than 600 people with disabilities and their families or caregivers have benefited from this program.
Women's Health Initiative
Progress With Practice began its Women’s Health Initiative in response to requests by mothers and support people for help in teaching women and teens with disabilities about gynecology, breast exams and mammograms. The Women’s Health Initiative demystifies these healthcare procedures and replaces fear with confidence to promote positive change for these women, their support people, and the doctors and nurses who perform their breast, pelvic and pap exams. Every woman, regardless of her level of ability, should be able to participate in her own healthcare without fear or trauma. Through Progress With Practice’s Hands-On Learning Experience and Treasure Your Health, women and teens with disabilities can complete gynecological exams, breast self- exams and mammograms for better health and quality of life.